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Friday, June 11, 2021

Now learn to look at the clock in a very simple way.

Now learn to look at the clock in a very simple way.

Students do not know how to look at the clock. Can't say what time it is now. Download this useful file for how to view time in English

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Download important File : Click Here 

Offering to the compassionate Parsi

We are proud of you

(1) Kovid Vaccine Manufacturing Company is a Parsi named Mr. Adar Punawala who offered the Parsis that I would give my one day i of Rs.  That we are Indians first then Parsis We wait for waxing with the people of India when our number comes

(2) See why the waxing that starts from Poonawala goes on.

(2) The vehicles used in the transportation are owned by the Tata company of Parsi

(2) The planes that go as far as possible by air belong to Parsi Shri Jal Wadia.

(2) The dry ice that is needed during transport is provided by Parsi Shri Farok Dadabhoi

(3) The vaccine which is kept in cold storage which is given by Parsi Shri Godrej.

And yet the Parsis do not want any special facilities because they consider themselves Indians. I salute you who serve as ordinary citizens of the country without any hope, even though they are a minority.

Mehsana, the victim of injustice

District Std-6-7-8 teachers.


Director of Primary Education,

Office of the Director of Primary Education,

Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Gujarat Gandhinagar.

Subject- Gujarat Government Education Department Resolution No .: PRE / 112018 / 3109P / K (Part-1), Secretariat, Gandhinagar.  Matter of giving justice as per 8/10/2050.

May.  Respected Sir,

‍ To state with Jai Bharat that Gujarat Government Education Department Resolution No .: PRE / 112018 / 2105P / K (Part-1), Secretariat, Gandhinagar.  As per the circular dated 9/10/2070 and outgoing number of your office - No. Prashini / K - Policy / 2020-5708-60 Office of the Director of Primary Education, Block No-12/1, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, G.R. Gandhinagar, Ta.  As per .28 / 10/2020 the following matter becomes clear.

માટે For the purpose of transfer, the seniority (priority order) of Std. 1 to 8 (non-primary) and Std. 6 to 8 (upper primary) will be maintained separately.

If there is an increase in the number of teachers in Std.  But in the next massacre camp they will have to be called as massacre teachers.  He will not be able to claim to be in the higher primary department forever.

Considering the above two issues, the vacancies in the current online transfer camp should be shown as per the above rules, but in Mehsana district, 1 to 5 teachers working in Std.  Request appropriate justice in this matter.

If for any administrative reason or the compensated teacher is not shown the place for the reason that he does not have to be killed again, then order us on the condition of not releasing him till the next killing camp, but it is the insistence of all teachers not to let injustice happen.

Jai Hind with the hope that you will implement your resolution.

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