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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Gyankunj Smart Class Important Video

 Gyankunj Smart Class Important Video

*જ્ઞાનકુંજ ફેઝ 3*

માસ્ટર ટ્રેનર્સ તાલીમ આધારિત ક્ર્મબધ્ધ અને ઝીણવટપૂર્વક જ્ઞાનકુંજ ના 3 ભાગ

( 1)my viewbord

(2) whiteboard

(3)g -shala ની માહીતી 

*જ્ઞાનકુંજ હાર્ડવેર*


(1) જ્ઞાનકુજ હાર્ડવેર ની તમામ માહિતી

*My viewbord*


*(1)my viewbord- part 1*

Installed All app ni માહીતી

Miracast વગેરે 


*(2) my viewbord part -2*

Trigger toolbar, pen toolbar,moretoolbar



*(1) white bord activation*

whiteboard activation

Google account મદદથી activation ની સંપૂર્ણ પ્રોસેસ

*(2) white bord ma techer login*

√ ટીચરનુઅં એકાઉન્ટ બનાવી લોગીન થવું

√My viewbord champion app ma profile set કરવી..

*3)my viewbord part -1*

√ Floting toolbar

√ Background settings

√ Othetsetting

*(4)my viewbord part -2*

Main toolbar

File manager -file saving

Magic box -maths tools,

image search

*(5)my viewbord part -3*


Shape tools

Text effect

*G- shala*


*(1)teacher I'd password*

 Teacher registration 

I'd & Password reset કરવા

(2) *student Id & password*

 નવું રજિસ્ટ્રેશન અને id

& Password reset કરવા

*જ્ઞાનકુંજ હાર્ડવેર નો ઉપયોગ* જ્ઞાનકુંજ અંતર્ગત વિવિધ હાર્ડવેર આવેલ છે તેનો ઉપયોગ અંગે નીચે મુજબ ના પાર્ટસ ની માહિતી આપેલ છે.

(1)inter active flat panel નો ઉપયોગ

2) લેપટોપ નો ઉપયોગ

3)HDMI કેબલ નો ઉપયોગ અને  જોડાણ

4)Touch cable નો ઉપયોગ અને જોડાણ

5)USB wireless adaptor ને સુરક્ષિત જગ્યાએ લગાવવીને ઉપયોગ ની માત્ર નેટ રીસીવર છે તે સમજ

6)USB hub ને માત્ર લેપટોપ સાથે નું જોડાણ

7)પેન સાથે ૨ ઓબઝેકટ  લઈ ને તેના ઉપયોગની રીત

8) લેપટોપ અને પેનલ ને યોગ્ય મેથડથી પાવર આપવાની રીત

9)VGA કેબલ નો ઉપયોગ

10) Bag નો ઉપયોગ

11) IFP ના Tools

12) White board ની માહિતી

13) વ્હાઇટ બોર્ડ ના Tools

14) IFP નું સેટિંગ

ઉપરોક્ત તમામ મુદ્દા Mt તાલીમમાં શીખવેલ માહીતી અને જ્ઞાનકુંજ ને તમામ માહિતી મુજબ આ વીડિયો બનાવેલ છે.

સમય નીકળી જરૂર જુઓ.

અને ગમે તો લાઈક કરીને તમારા મિત્રો ને શેર કરો. 

અગત્યની લીંક

જ્ઞાનકુંજ અંગેની ઉપયોગી માહિતી માટે વિડિયો જોવા અહીં ક્લિક કરો.

અને મારી યૂટ્યુબ ચેનલ Ritesh Khatri official ને subscribe કરો.

My YouTube channel

**Empowering Education: Gujarat Gyankunj Smart Class - Important Guidelines and Video**

*Date: [23/7/2023]*

In this digital age, the way we impart education has undergone a remarkable transformation. Embracing technology in the classroom has become a necessity rather than a luxury. Gujarat, known for its pioneering efforts in education, has taken a giant leap towards digitizing classrooms through the "Gyankunj Smart Class" initiative. This innovative program aims to enrich the learning experience and foster a tech-savvy generation of students. In this blog post, we will explore the important guidelines and features of the Gujarat Gyankunj Smart Class along with a video showcasing its impact on education.

**Understanding Gujarat Gyankunj Smart Class:**

The Gujarat Gyankunj Smart Class is a state government initiative that aims to create interactive and technology-driven classrooms. It leverages digital content such as videos, animations, and interactive exercises to enhance the learning process. The smart classrooms are equipped with projectors, smart boards, computers, and internet connectivity, creating a dynamic and engaging learning environment for students.

**Important Guidelines for Gujarat Gyankunj Smart Class:**

1. **Teacher Training:** One of the primary aspects of successful implementation is thorough training for teachers. The state government ensures that all teachers are trained in utilizing the technology effectively and integrating it into their teaching methods. This empowers educators to make the best use of the available resources and cater to the diverse learning needs of students.

2. **Curriculum Integration:** The Gyankunj Smart Class program complements the standard curriculum rather than replacing it. The digital content is mapped to the existing syllabus, ensuring a seamless integration of technology into the teaching process. This approach ensures that students receive a balanced education, combining the benefits of traditional teaching methods with modern technology.

3. **Interactive Learning:** The key advantage of Gyankunj Smart Classrooms lies in their interactive nature. Students are encouraged to actively participate in the learning process through quizzes, games, and multimedia presentations. This fosters a deeper understanding of the subject matter and promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

4. **Access to Digital Content:** The digital content used in Gyankunj Smart Classrooms is curated and approved by educational experts. The state government ensures that the content is accurate, up-to-date, and aligned with the curriculum. This ensures that students receive reliable information and high-quality educational material.

5. **Monitoring and Evaluation:** Regular monitoring and evaluation are essential to gauge the effectiveness of the Gyankunj Smart Class initiative. The state government conducts assessments to measure the impact of technology on student learning outcomes. This data-driven approach helps in refining the program and addressing any challenges that may arise.

**Gyankunj Smart Class Video Showcase:**

*[Include a video link showcasing the Gujarat Gyankunj Smart Class in action. The video should highlight students actively engaging with digital content, teachers utilizing interactive teaching methods, and interviews with students and educators about their experiences with the program.]*


The Gujarat Gyankunj Smart Class initiative is a remarkable step towards modernizing education in the state. By embracing technology in classrooms, the government aims to bridge the gap between traditional teaching methods and the digital world, empowering students with the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. With proper implementation and continuous improvement, this initiative has the potential to revolutionize education and create a brighter future for Gujarat's youth.

As we progress further into the digital era, it is essential for other states and countries to take inspiration from such transformative educational initiatives and work towards building a tech-driven, inclusive, and effective learning environment for all students.

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